1 Year Of President Biden


Courtesy of: Forbes

Scott Harris, PR Manager

It has been a whole year since the inauguration of President Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris administration has had its ups and downs. After starting off his presidency on January 20, 2021, Joe Biden had signed 17 executive orders into place as President of the United States. These orders included mandating masks to stop the spread of COVID-19, re-entering the United States into the Paris Climate Accords, and to reinforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to “require that the federal government does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Months into the Biden presidency, America is still being pushed with mask mandates and constant pushes to get people vaccinated. As President Joe Biden had stated to American Citizens, “It’s ‘vaxxed’ or masked.” referring to the 50% of American adults who were vaccinated as of May 25, 2021. As time went by more and more American citizens were getting vaccinated by the initiatives from the POTUS to the point where the majority of Americans were vaccinated against coronavirus.

Other than COVID, there were growing issues involving Afghanistan and the Taliban as the United States was aiding Afghanistan in combating the Taliban. But as the Taliban was nearing closer and closer to taking over, the U.S., along with NATO, decided to withdraw troops from Afghanistan which left many uneasy as they watched citizens try to flee the country from tyrannical rule at one point hanging off of U.S planes. Criticism arose over the president due to this issue because of the thought that about 20 years in the middle east paid off for nothing in the end for the safety of the Afghani people and the 289 Americans who are trapped in Afghanistan according to Foreign Policy.

Later into 2021 Inflation seemed to be a word associated with Biden as America has had its highest inflation rate in 40 years. With gas prices raised, and car prices raised many pointed fingers at the commander in chief. According to Bloomberg.com the U.S. had a consumer inflation rate of 7% in 2021.