Rylee Vargas Freshman Spotlight


Courtesy of Rylee Vargas

Mikayla Lallathin, Staff Reporter

Rylee Vargas is a new ninth-grade student who has a passion for taking care of plants. Her favorite subject this year is biology with Ms. Jennifer Mallard. Vargas also included that her favorite teacher is Ms. Victoria Knotts who teaches English. When asked what she would change about the school, Vargas replied that the bathrooms should be fixed because the “sinks don’t work, and the mirrors are impossible to see through.” She believes students should respect and take care of them more. Outside of school, she likes to workout, grow her plants, and volunteer at various places to take care of others. Vargas says that after she graduates, she is looking forward to being able to make her own decisions such as voting, moving out, and getting to learn about the real world from her own experience. In the future, she hopes to become a successful marine biologist because she has, “always loved the ocean life and [she looks] forward to learning and studying different species of plants that people have never seen before.”