Spotlight Latin Class

Courtesy of Mr.Robie

Courtesy of Mr.Robie

Victoria T, Business Manager

Daniel Robi has taught all four levels of Latin for over 20 years. A typical day in his language class is for the first six minutes of class all students participate in “Vocab Fun Time,” where students study vocabulary. During this time, students go on Brainscape where students scroll through vocab flashcards that Mr. Robie made himself. Depending on the student’s latin level, the student works on a different set of cards. Mr. Robie has expounded the following about Vocab Fun Time, “Saying Latin vocabulary out loud, and seeing the same words and their definitions every day aids the student in remembering the words.” WSHS’s Latin teacher recommends studying six minutes a day of classic vocab to ensure the student is well prepared for future vocabulary quizzes. Mr. Robie lives by the following motto: “The more different methods that a student studies for a subject, the more it goes through different areas of the brain.” His eclectic teaching style brings Latin to life.

Turning to why the language is useful in today’s world, Mr. Robie has explained that Latin is the root to all Romance languages; therefore, if one knows Latin it is easier to learn a variety of other languages such as French , Italian, and Spanish. Moreover, many English words come from Latin. Latin is a logical language; although it’s word order can be very flexible, it typically follows the pattern Subject- Object-Verb. An added benefit to studying Latin includes the enhanced critical thinking skills and sharpened problem solving skills students obtain. Furthermore, students are exposed to the rich history of Rome such as Roman mythology and learn of the fall of the tulmultous Roman Empire. Students who find satisfaction in puzzles will find Latin class a space for them.