Giana Hay, Sports Editor
Giana Hay is a junior and a second-year returning member of the Bear Truth News. Although she started out on the paper as a Staff Reporter, she gravitated towards reporting on school sports, specifically shining a light on girls’ athletics, and is now this year’s Sports Editor. Outside of writing, Hay has been a player on the Winter Springs Girls’ Lacrosse team for the past two years and is also an active member of Student Government. She enjoys surrounding herself with people of similar interests and making friends everywhere she goes. Her favorite pastimes at the moment are listening to Taylor Swift songs, drinking Chai Lattes, and scrolling through Pinterest. What she loves most about writing for the school newspaper is her ability to express herself through her writing and share stories about events and students on campus. She hopes this year, she can write even better articles than ever before and serve as a leader to her fellow students in the program.