WSHS Encourages Student Club Participation
December 4, 2018
This year, WSHS is encouraging all students to join a student organization. Having over 50 clubs offered, there is a variety to choose from. Ranging from the Fine Arts to Teen Trendsetters, there is sure to be something for everyone.
Mr. Gaffney has previously said, “Our GOAL is to have EVERY student in a fine arts program, visual arts program, after-school program or athletic team!”
Joining a program offers an extensive amount of benefits. If you are aiming to go to college, or just find something to keep you busy, an extracurricular has a lot to offer.
“Many colleges look to see that students are involved outside the classroom, which shows they are well-rounded,” says Shelby Wallace, director of admissions at Norwich University in Vermont.
Taking part in an activity or club at school opens your portfolio to colleges. You can gain leadership skills and spend time doing the hobbies you enjoy doing.
Mr. Jarzynka, Assistant Principal at WSHS, has said, “It gives [students] a center point to go to, to not only to peak their interests but give them an opportunity to build relationships with [their peers].”
For incoming freshman, this is a way to meet people with similar interests. Joining a club early on in high school allows you to grow in various ways.
Laila Rahman who is an active member in the Band of Gold, Winter Springs HS Chorus, Teen Trendsetters Club, and the Children’s Volunteer Club has said, “Joining clubs and participating in community service provides me an opportunity to meet people with similar interests and passions, to expand my leadership skills, and to spend time participating in activities that I enjoy.”
With so many clubs to choose from, it can be tough deciphering which ones are worth participating in. Each week, we will dissect a WSHS club/student organization and discuss their purpose and goal.
If you are interested in joining a club or a student organization at WSHS, email Jakob Jarzynka at [email protected] or contact the club sponsor listed in the photo below.

(Courtesy of Mr. Gaffney)

(Courtesy of Mr. Gaffney)