WSHS Celebrates Veterans Day 2018
Airman 1st Class Kathryn R.C. Re
A flag rests in a memorial wreath during a Veterans Day Celebration ceremony in Sumter, South Carolina, Nov. 11, 2017. During the ceremony, attendees paid tribute to prisoners of war and individuals missing in action, and honored the sacrifices of veterans who lost their lives. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kathryn R.C. Reaves)
November 12, 2018
Winter Springs High School paid tribute to those who have or are currently serving in the US Army. US Marine Corps, US Navy, US Air Force, and the US Coast Guard.
First thing Monday morning, students headed to the gymnasium before going to first period to celebrate the veterans in the Winter Springs community. Mr. Pete Gaffney, principal at Winter Springs High School, explains the significance of this event.
“Today, Winter Springs recognized those who have served. Honoring our veterans is an important tradition I want to start here at Winter Springs High School”.
During the assembly, WSHS recognized teachers and staff members that are military veterans. Other local heroes, some of which served in multiple wars, attended the ceremony and were given honor.
To start off the assembly, the WSHS JROTC presented the colors, following with the National Anthem sung by the WSHS Chorus. Patriotic tunes were provided by the WSHS Band of Gold. Dean Ocky Clark, who served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, spoke at the event. American Sign Language students ended the assembly with a signing of “God Bless the USA”.
A reception followed the assembly to further recognize the veterans and active military personnel of the Winter Springs community.
This is the first year that WSHS has celebrated Veterans Day during school. Mr. Gaffney would like to make this event a tradition.