WSHS to Use New Online System for Homecoming 2016 Nominations

Starting on Monday, September 26th, 2016 students at WSHS will be able to nominate their choices for Homecoming court through an online website.
September 26, 2016
Beginning Monday, September 26, 2016 through Thursday, September 29, 2016, Winter Springs High School will begin their annual homecoming nominations, only this year, nominations will take place online, directly from cell phones or computers.
After being introduced to online voting site, Election Runner, (, members of the Halftime and Royalty committee in Leadership requested to try things a little bit differently this year. Having the online voting system lightens the load of hand counting ballots one by one and type each into a spreadsheet, as well as protecting from cheating rumors or false names.
On Monday, students can begin by going to in their English classes and selecting their grade. After selecting their grade, students will be prompted to sign in using their voter-ID and voter key. Each student has been pre-registered into the system and must use their student-ID number as their voter-ID and their birthday, (following the format of YYYYMMDD), as their voter key.
Each student is allowed to vote for up to two boys and two girls. It can be the same two people for each gender, or two completely different people. However, you can only nominate students in your grade, otherwise, your nomination is invalid.
Voting will close on Thursday, September 29 at 2:30 P.M., as the official 2016 Homecoming court will be announced the following week. Seniors will then vote for their 2016 Homecoming King and Queen in their English classes, using the same online voting system.
The 2016 Homecoming King and Queen will be announced on Friday, October 21, 2016, during the homecoming halftime show at the WSHS football stadium.