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The student news site of Winter Springs High School

The Bear Truth News

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The student news site of Winter Springs High School

The Bear Truth News

The student news site of Winter Springs High School

The Bear Truth News


We need your support!

Please support our efforts to produce a print newspaper for the students, faculty, and community members by purchasing an advertisement or by making a donation. We offer a range of sizes for advertisements. Year long ads are
available as well. Donations start at $10 for Silver Status, $20 for Gold Status, and amounts over $20 for Platinum Status. Donor names will be listed in the print paper as well as on our website.

Thank you!

Please email Dr. Paula Vickers at for more information.

Thank you to the following for supporting our paper:


Water To A Tea

Huey Magoo’s



Pattie and Matt Hazel

Sharon Sieg

Koin Kleen

Arlene A Voll

PSP Images

Sports Clips

Gold Status

Silver Status

Julie DelRusso

WSHS School Store

Dave Johnson