The beloved 2010 How to Train Your Dragon animated movie is preparing to film a revamped live action. The popular movie series directed by Dean DeBlois, containing three movies from 2010-2019, was inspired by the How to Train Your Dragon book series by Cressida Cowell, containing ten books originally published from 1999-2015. Additionally, there has been a live spectacular, which consisted of a How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) cast that performed in front of a live audience. The live action movie, also directed by Dean DeBlois, is planned to be out in 2025.
HTTYD focuses on the village life of Berk and its heroic Vikings. Their way of living is affected by dragons, and their way of teaching is to kill any dragon that crosses their path. These morals change when the chief’s son, who is characterized as a scrawny boy that has no desire to kill a dragon, befriends a rare dragon, a night fury, and learns the way of dragons. He teaches his village that there is a way to live with dragons in peace. The next two sequels, How to Train Your Dragon 2 and How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, allow the young audience to grow with the characters over the course of ten years.
The young viewers, who are now grown and filled with nostalgia, were packed with excitement by the news of a live action HTTYD. However, some viewers had a firm dislike of the chosen cast and a common worry about the CGI including the dragons. John Powell, the music composer for all three films, will return to the treasured franchise. Gerald Butler, the voice actor of Chief Stoick, will reprise his role. Mason Thames has the role of Hiccup Haddock, who has not received as much resentment as the actress playing Astrid Hofferson. Nico Parker was selected to play Astrid Hofferson, a blue-eyed blonde Viking with a fierce personality, and many fans have strong opinions about the 19-year-old actress.
“Those [Scandinavian Vikings] are all some of the whitest and blondest people in the world, so casting someone with dark brown hair and not fully white unnecessarily changes the character,” one user stated online. In contrast, another user wrote, “I’m so excited for her to play Astrid, I think she’ll be amazing.” Furthermore, few users can be seen complimenting the similar facial structure between Parker and Astrid, such as, “Her round, sweet face looks so much like the cartoon character.”
Freshman Gabriella Arnold, who loved the HTTYD films as a child, said, “She doesn’t really look the part for Astrid, but I’m sure she’ll do great.” Freshman Isaiah Jones shared his complaint and said, “I think there should be a new Astrid.”Alternately, Payton Coe, a freshman, cheered, “I’m hyped. It will be a cinematic masterpiece.”
The voice actor of Astrid Hofferson, America Ferrera, shared her reaction in an interview. “I love who they cast, I think it’s fantastic…Dean [DeBlois] is one of the most incredibly talented storytellers I’ve ever gotten to work with…” Ferrera explained. Although some fans may dislike the live action, it’s safe to say America Ferrera has no doubts about it. A new generation of children will experience the excitement of the live action HTTYD.