Robin Hood

May 6, 2021
Robin Hood
By Michelle Tran
Staff Reporter
Winter Springs High School theater presented The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood on March 25-27.The story tells the adventures of Robin Hood and with a special guest star Mr. Gaffney as the prince.
Talking to one of the crew members Alyza Agosto, she explains the difficulty of getting the show on stage. Agosto explained “Though the end was very exciting and uplifting it was very much different then other shows.”Before the show none of the performers had really worked with masks while performing and the performers had to adjust their facial expressions to get across the story. Agosto goes on to say that while this year was difficult and definitely had its challenge Agosto said the most difficult part of getting this show together was getting all the equipment together such as the book and the trees. Despite the challenges Agosto would do all over again just being able to see and be around familiar faces/Environment is what makes the experience ten times better.