Recently, Winter Springs High School’s talent show dazzled. Several students performed talents ranging from playing an instrument, singing, dancing to stand up comedy. Expectations were high before the show started; for instance, Melissa Kartina, a former student at WSHS, was most excited for the Interstellar act- a performance where the student plays the Interstellar theme song on the piano. Additionally, Korea, a junior, was on the edge of her seat, as she awaited Jenna McCarthy’s performance. As the lights of the auditorium were turned off, a video showcasing various teachers at WSHS was displayed with Dr. Vickers and Mrs. Gaskill declaring that students at WSHS have talent. What’s more, the video injected humor with the song “Tonight is Going to be a Good Night” as it played in the background.
After the video ended, the opening act began: McCarthy pretended to be King George the Third and showcased her comedic prowess. For example, McCarthy delivered the following joke: “What ghost haunted King George the Third? The seventy six!” Once the jokes ended, Ella Mackenney took to the stage, and sang “Flowers” by Lauren Spencer Smith. She sang euphoniously leaving the audience to bask in her vocal range.
Up next, Cohen Green, a guitarist and singer, sang “Creep” by Radiohead. The roars and cheers of the enthusiastic crowd almost begged for an encore. Up next, Peyton and Emily Pearson re-enacted a lightsaber battle with artfully planned choreography. The atmosphere in the room was filled with tension and anticipation until Pearson defeated her nemesis. Once the battle ended, Taylor demonstrated her contemporary dancing skills which embraced a blending of techniques. As she vividly danced to “Dynamite” by BTS in a pink jumpsuit, the audience connected to her memorable performance.
After her act ended, the lights dimmed and ominous music began to play. Nathan Turner, a future Shihan, displayed his dexterous karate moves on the stage. He began by presenting a Fumikomi, a stomp kick on the ground. Next, he followed with a kata, another type of kick. Last but not least, he performed a geri, another type of kick. At the finale of the performance, Turner waved a white flag in the air and exited the stage.
Without a doubt, the talent show participants all enriched the Winter Springs community with their gifts, as one left entertained. Bravo to Winter Spring High school’s talented group.