Student Instagrams take over WSHS
February 10, 2022

Disclaimer: The content of these social media accounts does not reflect the thoughts and opinions of The Bear Truth or the Winter Springs staff; they are not directly affiliated with Winter Springs High School.
This school year, new school Instagram accounts have begun taking over students’ explore pages. Winter Springs High School has at least four very popular accounts floating around and gaining the attention of hundreds of students. While clubs often have accounts just to stay in touch with members, accounts for WSHS memes, lifestyle, and fans have arisen for the pure entertainment of Bear Nation and anyone else interested.
In the age of online connectivity, students of Winter Springs High School have created their own platform: Instagram accounts are popping up on public pages wide pertaining to not just school information, but memes, fan pages, and even bad parking spots (purely for teenager entertainment).
The most popular account with over 1,000 followers, @wintersprangs, started back in 2018. Originally just to talk about events and incidents alike, the page has developed into a meme page. The account is run by Emma Bradshaw, Mikayla Adamission, and Lily Wood. Bradshaw said the account started because “there were no big WSHS meme accounts, and we wanted to be the first.” Her personal favorite post is the photo of Coach Clark in The Creation of Adam. Seeing that the current account holders’ time in the Springs is coming to a close, they plan to pass it on to a certain underclassman they have in mind.
For a while, the original Sprangs’ account was rumored to be abandoned, but one student didn’t want the memes to end. Victor Colombaro started @wintersprangs2.0. His favorite post is the one meming Mr. Adamson’s taste in music. He said, “Mr. Adamson is a good teacher who deserves no hate, but the music he plays can be pretty hilarious sometimes…you never know what you’re gonna hear.” Furthermore, Colombaro knows exactly who he wants to take over the account. Colomaro said, “He knows exactly who he is, and I’m sure you guys do too. Here’s a hint, he’s a junior currently, and his name starts with a J.”
While students also like seeing fellow students, cars can also be entertaining. @wshs_parking debuted in April of 2021 and since has grown to have almost 700 followers. The account manager’s fans will never catch them because they don’t attend WSHS, never have. The page started because “it was a way to have fun and for students to have a way to express themselves.” Their favorite post is one of a gray car pulled almost all the way up to the gym doors. They like it because it was the first photo that “really blew up.” The manager plans on continuing to run the account until people lose interest.
School is a place for learning, or sleeping through learning. @sleepybears makes students infamous for quite literally doing nothing. According to the managers, the account started because “after seeing so many people sleeping at school we thought it would be a good entertaining Instagram page of having our bears sleeping on campus.” Their favorite post is the one of a student in a yellow jacket dozing with his lunch on his lap. Two different individuals have been running the account since November 16 and wish to stay behind the camera for now; although, one would never know if they’ve been featured on the page. But more importantly, have you been caught sleeping or become a meme?