Students Choose Classes for Next Year
WSHS underclassmen have received their schedule request forms and now can decide what courses they will take for the 2018-19 school year.
January 29, 2018
As summer nears and the current school year comes to a close, Winter Springs High School underclassmen must begin to decide what courses will be on their schedules next year: both academic courses needed for graduation and electives in which to further interests, receive college credit, or just have fun with friends. There are hundreds of courses from which to consider, and with only a brief glance through the curriculum guide, many may go unnoticed.
On the other hand, WSHS seniors, on the cusp of graduation and beginning to reflect on their time in high school, have come to realize the past four years would have been radically different had they not enrolled in certain classes.
Seniors, like Hollister Henry, who began taking classes in a specialized elective freshman year have come to consider their classmates as a second family and their classroom as a home away from home.
Henry, having started taking Latin in ninth grade, received the opportunity to both become well-versed in Latin history and proficient in recognizing word derivations. However, for Henry, it was not solely the knowledge gained that made this class so special; Latin “opened up a doorway to [her] potential in great academic success” and, competing at national Latin forums, gave Henry the chance to “make friends nationwide.”
Similarly, in 9th grade, senior Hope Flick got involved in a program on campus in which she could continue for all four years of high school: JROTC. In this class, Flick and her classmates learned to work together, developing valuable “leadership skills for the future.” Overall, Flick feels she would not be who she is today had she gone through high school without JROTC.
“It made me a better person,” Flick said.
For underclassmen, finding a course which they can continue over their four years in high school can provide a period to which to look forward each year and a steady, tight-knit group of friends.
However, in addition to finding courses to enjoy, underclassmen must also take into consideration WSHS seniors’ advice about possible classes avoid. Each year, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors attend their new classes during the first week of school, and each year during that first week, many schedule changes are requested.
It can often be difficult for a student to know whether or not a certain class will be suited to his or her strengths and work ethic. Senior Megan Flowers knows from experience that AP Biology, a class taken by mostly freshmen and sophomores, is an extremely taxing subject.
“Unless you want to go into the medical field,” Flowers states. “There’s no point [in taking the class.]”
Likewise, senior Cheddar Woo, recommends for students not to take online classes unless they have a “self-motivation and a strong work ethic.” Without these factors, Woo believes that students will “fall behind” in their online homework and tests.
The courses chosen now will outline how the 2018-19 school year will go, so underclassmen should take into consideration both how much they think they will enjoy a certain class as well as how well they think they will perform.