28 Things to do During Spring Break
Watching Netflix, reading a new book, catching up on sleep, and petting a dog are one of the many things you can do over spring break.
March 13, 2017
Spring break is commonly seen as the ultimate week of endless beach days and parties, but that is not always the case. Although some students go on beach trips over spring break, the majority of students stay home over the week off. This begs the age-old question: what is there to do when school is out? Here’s a list of 28 things to help with just that.
- Netflix marathon—even if you think you’ve seen everything, dig a little deeper and some amazing show will pop out of the goldmine. The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, and 3% are great options.
- Learn a new language. Duolingo is a free app and a great resource.
- Catch up on sleep. School can be rough on your schedule.
- If you want to be really productive, start studying for AP exams
- Paint a picture.
- Find a random Wikipedia page and learn something new.
- Build a fort. Who cares if you’re not six anymore.
- Read a book. If you haven’t already, Harry Potter is a great place to start.
- Listen to new music. Artists release new music every day; find something you’ve never heard of before using apps like Spotify, Pandora, and Soundcloud.
- Watch a documentary. Making a Murderer or Cosmos are highly recommended.
- Get together with friends and play a neighborhood game of basketball or soccer.
- Call an old friend and catch up.
- Get a haircut. Change up your look.
- Go window shopping. It’s free!
- Watch your favorite childhood movie. There’s nothing like nostalgia.
- Cook something. Recipes are easy to come by with Google.
- Learn to crochet. Your grandma will appreciate it.
- Climb a tree.
- Learn the Heimlich. You never know when you’re going to need it.
- Write everything in cursive for one day. It’ll either be fun or tortuous—go find out.
- Clean your room. It will honestly make your whole life seem cleaner.
- Find a dog and pet it; but make sure it doesn’t have rabies first.
- Redecorate your room.
- Go for a bike ride. The weather is actually nice outside—take advantage of it.
- Memorize the order of the Chinese dynasties.
- If you’re more of a math person, memorize pi.
- Learn a song on piano.
And, of course…
- Read Bear Truth News articles!