Zootopia: A Movie the Whole Family Can Enjoy
Zootopia has broken many records and is an inspiring movie regardless of age.
April 11, 2016
Released on March 4th, 2016, the movie Zootopia broke the records previously beaten by the one billion dollar movie Frozen.
As an avid Frozen fan, I must agree with the majority of the critics that Zootopia is definitely a superior movie that even had a teenager like me on the edge of my seat. It certainly reached a whole other level than Frozen did.
In the city of Zootopia (that is only compromised of animals) Judy Hopps, a rabbit, defies the stereotypes that she is given, and becomes the first rabbit to join Zootopia’s police department. Nick Wilde, one of the more obvious dynamic characters, is a fox who is given the stereotype of being sly and, well, a con-man; which he is. As Judy is starting off on her first day of work, she comes across Wilde, and eventually they start working together and solve one of the Zootopia police department’s biggest missions.
When Zootopia and Frozen are put side-by-side, Zootopia certainly has more substance and a more meaningful and modern message to all ages. Towards the children, the “moral” is that you can be anything you want to be, just like Judy Hopps was the first rabbit to join the Zootopia police force.
As for the adults, it showed the reality of the ratio of majority to minority groups in our society today. Furthermore, it revealed the reality of the stereotypes that have taken over our society today as well as politics. As Disney Animation Studios started their research on this project, they never predicted the accuracy of the societal portrayal in this movie.
When the directors and creators went to Africa to observe the species of animals they wanted featured in the movie, director Byron Howard said, “…And that led us to a huge discovery where we talked to animal experts and they told us that, and we say this is in the movie too, 90% of animals are prey animals and that remaining 10% are predators- that’s an automatic majority minority, and what an interesting thing to think, even those animals [in Zootopia] have evolved and created this incredible civilization, what if they still held on to some of those sublimated fears and mistrust that have been around for thousands of years. It’s very similar to what human beings experience and that’s where all of this came from.”
Zootopia is definitely a complex movie in regards to society and the movie’s application to real life, but with the amazing animation and fun characters, it is a film the whole family can certainly enjoy.