Seminole County works to solve the FSA problem


The high amount of reported problems at WSHS and other schools around the county has caused the education board of Seminole County to rethink and revamp the FSA test administered to students.

Bridget Lawson, Staff Reporter

The FSA is a standardized test called the (Florida Standard Assessment). The grades that have to take the FSA are 3rd grade through 10th grade. The FSA replaced a test called FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test).

There has been a lot of issues with FSA. On the day of the tests, all the computers were infected with computer bugs. Also, the formatting of the tests was poorly adapted with the schools computers.

What Seminole County teachers and parents want to do is throw the FSA out and get a different test that is more valid. Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) has come up with another option, “The Seminole Solution/Sunshine Solution.”

Led by Superintendent Walt Griffin, the Seminole Solution is a tag name for the SCPS effort to provide a solution to the current state-required testing. They think Seminole Solution is better than FSA because they feel students could be tested in a better way. Also, there were so many school days lost to FSA because of several issues, computer bugs etc.

Dr. Rodriguez along with other administrators agree that FSA does not allow it show our students’ capabilities. He thinks we could use national tests such as the PSAT, SAT and ACT.

“With that being said, there needs to be accountability among schools and with that accountability comes testing to insure that the kids are learning what they are supposed to learn. Because the FSA is so based on Florida standards, we cannot compare our kids to other states. We already have what the FSA would not give us, which is the PSAT and SAT. These are used nationwide. Also, the PSAT determines National Merit Scholars,” said Assistant Principal Dr. Rodriguez.

As of now Seminole county is trying to find the best possible option for Seminole County.