Canines cause chaos for postal workers


Courtesy of Today News

Addison Pierce, Staff Reporter

Putnam county, the poorest county in Florida, is mourning the loss of 61-year-old mail carrier Pamela Jane Rock. She was viciously attacked by five dogs, when her truck broke down on August 21. Articles say the mail carrier’s truck broke down along a North Florida road when the unfortunate incident began. Nearby neighbors heard the screams of help let out by the carrier and jumped right into action. They made an attempt to pull the dogs off the woman, but it was unsuccessful. The attack came to an abrupt end when one neighbor shot a bullet into the air, scaring the dogs off. 911 was called shortly after, and they started first aid on the victim until she was transported to the hospital, and sadly passed away the morning of August 23.

The dogs were found by deputies inside a nearby residence’s fence. It is believed that the dogs escaped from their fence and were returned by their owner after the attack. Animal Control took custody of the five dogs after they were confirmed by witnesses that they were the ones in the attack. The owner gave up their custody, and the dogs will be euthanized humanely in the coming days.

This act of violence by dogs among the local community has caused lots of controversy, but it is not uncommon. Last year in the United States 5,400 postal workers were attacked by dogs, and Florida is in the top ten states for dog bites with over 200 incidents reported last year. However, some people still feel for the dogs and believe they should have a right to live. The Newspaper ran a poll among Winter Springs to see how the students felt about this topic.

After explaining the situation, students were asked “Do you think the dogs should be put down, or should they get the right to live?” The responses were shocking with 50% of the 20 students agreeing with Animal Control and wanting to put the five dogs down. While the other 50% said they believe the dogs should have the right to live. When asked a follow up question of, “Do you think anything should happen to the owner such as a fine, or jail time.” 50% also said yes, while the other 50% said no. There also were other suggestions by students stating “The dogs should be put into a shelter,” or “They should give the owner money for a better fence.” Although it is likely that Animal Control will go through with putting down the dogs, it may not be something that everyone takes well.