Students who learn ASL in school have the opportunity to act as the bridge between the hearing and deaf communities.
Although ASL (American Sign Language), the main method of communication amongst the deaf and hard of hearing across the United States, uses hand-signs and gestures, the language of ASL employs so much more than solely the execution of signs. ASL requires the ability to “feel the meaning,” or add physical emotion and facial expressions when signing, due to the inability to add intonation and inflection to convey meaning as used in spoken communication.
Within the Winter Springs High School ASL program, students are taught this skill of adding emotion and work to perfect its execution through in-class performance opportunities. Students are often assigned the task of learning signs to a popular song and then performing in front of their classmates, a nerve-wracking experience for many first-time ASL students. However, after a while, this technique and the in-class performances become almost second-nature.
Winter Springs students, friends, and families have the opportunity to come see the ASL Honor Society members showcase what they have learned thus far in their ASL education. On Friday, November 17th at 6:30pm students will be hosting an ASL night in the Winter Springs High School auditorium.
“I’m not performing [in the ASL show], but I’m excited to see it,” said sophomore ASL student Megan Casey. “Watching people sign is really fun.”
ASL Honor Society members have prepared signing performances to popular songs as well as jokes and speeches. Although ASL students have planned a lively evening for audience members, they also plan to highlight information and facts about deaf culture. Many, although surrounded by deaf community members, have little knowledge of the history and elements of the culture that make the deaf community so unique and special, and students who learn ASL in school have the opportunity to act as the bridge between the hearing and deaf communities.
Overall, the show this Friday serves as a chance for ASL students to practice what they have learned in class while both entertaining and educating all those in attendance.