Video Game Review: Fire Emblem Fates


Fire Emblem Fates is a role playing strategy game for Nintendo 3DS.

Ross Bennett, Staff Reporter

Fire Emblem Fates is the newest game in the Fire Emblem series on the Nintendo 3DS and it is split up into three separate games with their own unique story. Fire Emblem Fates is a Role Playing Strategy Game (RPG) with many different units with their own strengths and weaknesses. As the player progresses through the many chapters in the game, they will slowly build up an army that they take into battle. Birthright, Conquest, and Revelations are the three games that make up the Fire Emblem Fates trilogy.

Chapter six is where the title of the game really lies because the player must choose between joining the army of Conquest, Nohr or the army of Birthright, Hoshido. Birthright is a more welcoming game into the series, because it allows the player to play challenges in between chapters that grant their units with more experience points and gold. Conquest is a much harder entry into the series because the player is unable to do side challenges to strengthen their army outside of chapters.

Playing through the game the player will get different units that use different weapons depending on their class. Different units do better against certain classes due to a rock, paper, scissors type of weapon system. Lances beat swords, swords beat bows, and bows beat lances. Each weapon has their own defect that balances them out, but the player is able to combine multiple of one weapon to upgrade weapons to make them stronger.

Statistics also make a difference in battle by allowing the player’s units to deal more damage, take less damage, and attack more than once. As units level up their statistics will increase and once a unit becomes high enough of a level they will be able to become an upgraded class and this allows them to level up even more and gives them a big statistic boost when they are upgraded. Even though there is a max to how high statistics can go the player’s units will be stronger than ever once they have reached that point.

The final game in the trilogy is revelations and the player will choose not to side with either of the armies. In this final entry they will be able to get all units from Birthright and Conquest and have a difficult story along with the challenges in between the different chapters. These three games have many different factors that the player will need to manage in order to succeed and it creates a very enjoyable experience as they progress through the game.