Senior Farewells from Bear Truth Staff


As the Bear Truth Newspaper Senior Staff prepare for graduation, we wish them the best as they take on the new chapter of their lives.

Senior Staff

TESSA GAGNE – Editor-in-chief

I didn’t originally sign up for newspaper. Freshman year on theday we picked up schedules I had a hole in my fourth period class; I filled it with newspaper. Newspaper has been quite an experience: I have been through two advisors, served as an editor my sophomore year and then my junior and senior
years I served as editor in chief. It’s hard being on newspaper. For one, reading is a dying activity. Very few people read unless it is on their smartphones. I can’t judge though, I can be the exact
way. Two, the stress of working on an issue only to have it backordered or come back misprinted is an experience that not many people share. I may have some regrets in high school, but joining newspaper isn’t one of them. The people I have met and the memories that I have gained are irreplaceable.I don’t intend on going into the journalism industry, but if I did, I would know that it is not simply typing away on a computer and hitting send; it is about connecting with your audience and writing something that you can be proud of even if no one else reads it.

MEGHAN TONNER – Editor-in-chief

When I reflect on my four years at Winter Springs High School my fondest memories are found in the newspaper room. Before I even stepped on campus I knew I wanted to join the Bear Truth Newspaper staff, so as an anxious eighth grader I emailed the advisor and was promptly added to the staff as a freshman. I cannot imagine my high school experience without the intellectual incubator that newspaper became for me; the other staff members challenged my ideas and introduced new ones on a daily basis –
there was hardly ever a quiet day in fourth period. As opinions editor my sophomore year and editor-in-chief my junior and senior years newspaper has taught me irreplaceable leadership skills through the
overwhelming, complicated, and completely rewarding experience of producing publications that reflects the students of WSHS. Although this hard work came often without thanks I always found joy in the process and the bonds created amongst the staff by it. I find it hard to believe that I will no longer spend my Wednesday afternoons gossiping with Melanie and Nicole, sharing knowing glances with Tessa, or taking selfies with Matt, but all wonderful things must come to an end. The newspaper room houses not only my favorite high school memories, but also the most talented, welcoming people
I’ve been lucky enough to know. I love my staff and I know newspaper will continue to be a haven for years to come. Go bears.

MARIE CARR – Opinions Editor

I started out as a staffer for photo editing my freshmen year for The Bear Truth, made my way up to a journalist doing small columns and interviews, and for the past two years by some miracle I have been the Opinions editor for the paper. Being a part of a student run publication is no walk in the park, over the past four years the stress of a deadline never gets easier to manage. But there was great reward in writing. The main reason of writing an article is to have a voice be found through interviewing and researching I discovered a hidden voice that demanded a call to attention. It’s a risky thing, writing an opinion, trying to remain unbiased, especially if the topic is controversial; but it was worth writing about. Being an editor was added responsibility and stress, yet through the publication I emerged with a higher self-esteem, and passion to deliver a story worth telling. I will miss the routine of fourth period newspaper, it will be hard to adjust to something different after staying consistent for four years, but I have high hopes that the best is yet to come…

MATHEW HAVEL – Staff Reporter

Although my time with the newspaper staff has been short and limited, I have learned a lot from being with the newspaper staff. My last semester was definitely made better with the help of everyone on the staff as well as the sponsor. I really appreciate everything I have learned from my time in my class, and I’m sure the knowledge I gained throughout the entire experience will carry me through my years in college. It has been an awesome semester and an awesome four years at Winter Springs High School, and I can’t wait to see how the next four years of my life will go.